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Articles: Hygiene is the best policies!

Friday, May 02, 2014

Did you ever caught your spider fondling (grooming of course) them self?haha... some might wonder how the heck does they grooming them self?? Like the other animal, spider(s) do groom themselves to clean. They are like the other creature on this earth who love hygienic environment (except for some ass hole!).

If you notice, if there any leftover feeder, some spider(s) might roll the leftover (sometimes with the substrate) to the edge of their enclosure...and stay off the effected area. Some might left it just like that and climb to the wall or even roof of the enclosure just to avoid the smelly left over. haha...

Like human (for god sake!), every spider(s) deserve a comfy enclosure that they call home, some need a low temp, some need a high humidity,climate is the vital issue to ensure the HAPPYNESS! "deep or shallow" and "dry or damp" (not wet, S is for spider(s), not tortoise) substrate, proper hiding, floor area (ground dweller), ceiling height (arboreal) etc. Some species can adapt and bare with the slight different on the climate, but some just simply die UNHAPPYLY...

Please do a bit research (again, for god sake!) on the species before you get any. Different spider(s) have many different needs. Make sure you fully understand their diet (not your diet, your gluttonous bastard!haha...),climate, temperature requirements and humidity percent that your specific species needs. Also don't forget to ask Mr. Google, where your type of spider(s) typically lives. Some tarantulas live on/in trees where height is more important than ground area. If you have a spider(s) that lives on the ground, then it's more important to have large floor area for the spider(s) to walk around and digging around (if needed).

It is IMPORTANT to remove any leftover whether live or dead within 24 hours. I always offer food late at night and removing it first thing in the morning if not eaten. Leftover feeder can be stressful for the tarantula, and have been known to damage and even kill tarantulas if not eaten, just imagine leftover Mc Chicken lay around for a week on the coffee table (Euwww for some, ............ for most of you, hahaha..). Food remains will attract ants, pests and mold. It is advisable to remove the remains of any prey items from your tarantula's enclosure so that they do not cause unhealthy conditions for your pet.

NOW! go clean up your room!! =)


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