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Phormictopus Cancerides - Hispaniolan Giant Tarantula

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Common Name: Hispaniolan Giant Tarantula, Haiti Brown Tarantula
Scientific Name: Phormictopus cancerides (Latreille, 1806)
Synonyms: Mygale cancerides, Mygale Erichsonii, Eurypelma cancerides, Schizopelma Erichsoni

The Hispaniolan Giant Tarantula (Phormictopus cancerides) is a tarantula native to the Dominican Republic, where it is called Cacata; Haiti, where it is called Araignée-crab; and Cuba, where it is rare. It occurs from the West Indies to Brazil. During the day they hide under rocks and debris and come out at night to look for prey. Their fangs are quite formidable at more than 2 centimetres long, and when they pierce the body of its victim, venom is injected which paralyses and breaks down the body tissue of the prey, allowing the tarantula to suck up the liquefied insides. Its venom is very painful to humans, however, no healthy adult has ever died after it.

Its colour makes the spider, despite the fact they can defend themselves by biting or more commonly by kicking the urticating hairs from its abdomen, an attractive pet. They can be kept easily in a terrarium that measures at least four times its leg span in length. The terrarium should be furnished with a substrate, a water dish and a hiding place, otherwise they will dig a burrow. They should be kept at temperatures of between 22 and 28 °C which can even decrease under 20 °C in the night which is uncommon in tropical tarantulas – the difference between temperature during the day and the night is important if one wants to breed this species, and a diet of four to six crickets every two weeks.

General Information
Regions Found: Dominican Republic, Haiti and Cuba. Also found in Caribbean, San Domingo, Puerto Rico
Type: New World Terrestrial Opportunistic Burrower
Lastingness: Medium to Fast Growth
Adult Size: 7-8 Inches
Temperament: Bold and Defensive
Urticating Hairs: Yes
Venom Potency: Not dangerous but very painful
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing. A good retreat is may required
Temperature: 25-28°C (76°-82°F)
Humidity: About 65-75%
Special Requirements: No special requirements
Experiences Needed: Moderate (Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Unknown
Egg Sac Size: Unknown
Danger to Male: Tarantula females will sometimes cannibalise the males
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two)
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects.

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes
- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment e.g. heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats
- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg-span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live-food (NOT for Slings/Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended) 

- Simple mist the wall of the T Terrarium everyday and feed once or twice a week
- A large spider from the Caribbean islands. Once they were imported in huge quantities from Haiti and was a common spider in captivity. They are found near villages under logs and old junk, and in burrows in the rainforest. Opportunist burrower, she sits on top of the cork bark and occasionally goes under it for shelter. Place a water-dish in the cage. Adults are often for sale. A aggressive and ferocious eater - a nice species! Sometimes captive bred and the Spiderlings grow fast.

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wikipets

Articles: Beginner's First Tarantula(s)..

Thursday, December 13, 2012

To some whose looking to be a tarantula keeper always wondering, "hurmmm...which species am i suppose to get?"..the words like Arboreal (Tree Dwellers), Terrestrial (Ground Dwellers) or maybe Burrowers (Duhh!) always shows up during the Internet research..Basically, the most common tarantula anyone could suggest to them is Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula (Grammostola Rosea)..Well, it is true..but please people..everybody know how boring Rosea is..hahaha..

Above all, the North/South American (New World Tarantula) species is the best choice for beginner, there a few selection that can be considered. Why? This is simply because "tarantula" is a general word like the word "human"...we know every man like women..but what kind of women do u guy like most? educated? kinky? cute? and which levels of lunatic you dare to go to get your dream women? (to gay, change the word women as you like!)...hahaha...same goes to tarantula some are really crazy and some quite calm..personally, we doesn't like the word "Aggressive Tarantula"...we prefer, Very sensitive (like women mehh...) i say the personality of each species is differ form the other....


Terrestrial or Arboreal?
I would suggest the terrestrial one, Arboreal?? Nah!! some of you may end splatting (SPLATT!!!) RMXX Avicularia Versicolor on your nose..they are tree dweller , so they jump a lot and some of the are good runner. No need to find burrowing me..because once the'll see nothing rather than your beautiful substrate and if lucky..your decoration...haha..take the Parahybana for example..they almost never eat in their hideout (but eat like a DRAGON), and grow well (very fast grower), quite large ( 9-10 Inches), almost no urticating hair, less powerful venom (yes, tarantula is venomous, not poisonous) and not bad looking too..and if there is a crazy newbie try to handle them...Parahybana is considered as handle able..slow speed, and prefer to flee rather than to stand in a a cute common name (who the hell give that common name, must be like sushi a lot).

Depending on the size mehhh, if u get your first tarantula is a 9 Inches leg span Parahybana,duhhh!!! so get your self a bigger gallon tank...but if you get a slings, please don't buy fancy looking Exoterra Desert Den, please don't..ever hear about deli cup? disposable container? what ever you call it..depending on the size, use the container to take care of your slings..if the word "why" with multiple question marks appear on your mind, it is more easier to care & maintain them..small and hide-able (for under 18), translucent and visible from every angle..easy for the tarantula to find the "fresh" food you, just throw away if give up raising them (disclaimer:not with the tarantula inside..) Don't forget to poke a few small air-hole on the topside of your container, not the cap..later you will know need a fancy rock or hideout and currently Exoterra  doesn't yet launch their 1cm slings water get your self a water sprayer and spray the case wall as a water source and automatically, humidify the case..

Coconut Peat (Full Stop)...hahaha
Put a sufficient amount of substrate for ground dweller..these to prevent the sling from fallen to high if it decide to climb the wall as the abdomen is very delicate and easily erupt..puft!!some species may need the substrate to be a bit moist (please don't make a swamp decoration) and some species don't..please ask for advice from dealer or expert keeper or even mister Google for the best result..=)

Again, I would suggest a delicious meal-worm Tenebrio molitor (Linnaeus, 1758), as a life food. Depending on size of the tarantula, if the slings is very very very small nymph, you may cut the worm into half (as the worm seller usually sell the worm at bigger size)..please do not challenge your 0.5cm nymph with live 2cm worm..i prefer to kill the worm first before feeding it..remember, the worm is wiggling and may injure your slings..these worm are easy to get, aquarium shops or local pet store, cheap, breed-able (level:easy)..but cant buy it in a small, if u decide to keep tarantula as a pet, luckily you will end up to get a meal worm as your pet keep them alive..just use a bran or oat as their substrates and don't forget to offer the any kind of vege or fruit you may get in the fridge..they will be fine..=)..after the slings grows bigger, you may consider Super-worm, Zophobas morio (Fabricius, 1776), or Crickets (to smoker, it is not a lighter) (who give a damn for its taxonomy..haha) as a feeder..yes yes..roach also can if you can afford it..preferably Gromphadorhina portentosa (1 roach = +-RM10/each, u thinks?haha)..fuhh!!Please remove the balance of the food (if any) from the container after a day or two..if will grow moult and these will make the tarantula uneasy..

these process is when your tarantula change its exo-skeletal, usually, during pre-molt, the tarantula will refuse any food given, i say just feed them like normal, but do remove the uneaten some point, your tarantula will lay on its back..these where the point the shred their old skin to get new one, the time taken usually varies depending on size and species. if u lucky just enjoy the fascinating process, i think it don't mind a few snaps of picture, even with flash..hahaha..if some of your slings legs (disclaimer: head or abdomen loss tarantula doesn't molt) "accidentally" will grow back..after the molting will take sometime for the tarantula to eat, since all its body, including the fang are soft and unable to digest..u may try to feed them..but please be sure the feeder is 100% death!

Venom and Urticating Hair?
Most of New World Tarantula have less powerful venom to compare with the Old World Tarantulas(Asian & Africans Tarantula) venom, it is comparable to bee stung..these are why we don't encourage you to handle Your tarantula..urticating hair is a flick of tiny hair usually from its abdomen that have been kicked out by the tarantula as defensive mechanism..if it end up on ur may feel itchy..but most of the tarantula prefer to flee rather than try to fight..although, tarantula venom not dangerous to human, it is always good to be careful at all time to ensure your own safety..

Here, Im not trying to suggest any tarantula as your first, but to share my experiences when I was a noob!haha...If you still have definite ideas about your beginner tarantula, then the best studied in the Internet for pictures and care-sheets, some may wanting something colourful, and some may prefer XL size of tarantula. we tried our best to give basic detailed of information you need to know as a keeper. but the best is to ask experience keeper..i trust they will answer your questions..ask everything, Does she always hiding? Is it defensive? Etc. I think this is the best solution for all involved...sometime you will end up having 10 first tarantulas like me..hahaha


Theraphosa Blondi - Goliath Birdeater Tarantula

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Common Name: Goliath Bird-eater Tarantula, Goliath Bird eater, Goliath Bird eating Spider, Goliath Tarantula
Scientific Name: Theraphosa Blondi (Latreille, 1804)
Synonyms: NIL

Theraphosa blondi was given the name the Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula when explorers witnessed a specimen feeding on a hummingbird in South America. The local natives of the rain forests occasionally eat these spiders as a delicacy. This new world terrestrial tarantula is considered as the largest tarantula in the world because of its remarkable 25-30 cm leg span. It currently holds the place in the book of Guinness World Records for the largest spider and is powerful enough to feed on frogs, toads, lizards, mice and snakes.

Theraphosa blondi is native to the rain forest-regions of northern South America. Wild Goliath bird-eaters are a deep-burrowing species, found commonly in marshy or swampy areas, usually living in burrows that they have dug or which have been abandoned by other burrowing creatures.

Picture: Adult Photo of Theraphosa Blondi
The Goliath Bird-eating spider is large and very stocky spider with a broad carapace, thick legs, and a large abdomen. It is a terrestrial species and has evolved to this large, heavy body type living in the humid burrows of the tropical forests of South America. They are a hairy, light-brown coloured spider with a leg span that can extend up to about 25 cm (10 inches) but can be up to 30.5 cm (12 inches).

Though the male and female are very similar, a mature male will be more slender and long-legged, as with other species of tarantula. They mature at about 3 to 4 years and females can live for up to 25 years while males live just past reaching maturity.

General Information
Regions Found: Venezuela, Northern Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname
Type: New World Terrestrial ground Dweller/ Burrower
Lastingness: Medium Fast Growth rate, Reach maturity in 3-5 years and females can live to 25 years, whereas males will die shortly after reaching maturity
Adult Size: Leg span of 25-33cm (+-12 Inches or a foot long)
Temperament: Defensive and Skittish.Will stridulate aswell if provoked, and they possess very bad urticating bristle. Very aggressive and will make defensive hissing noises
Urticating Hairs: Yes
Venom Potency: Strong and painful. About as bad as a wasp sting,but will be able to cause mechanical damage due to the very large fang, 1 Inch Long.
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing. A good retreat is required
Temperature: 24-28°C (75-82°F)
Humidity: 80%
Special Requirements: Humidity needs to be increased near a moult to prevent problems
Experiences Needed: Advance (For Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Extreme Difficult
Egg Sac Size: Around 50-150 large eggs
Danger to Male: Possible sexual cannibalism, females will also cannibalize on egg sac if stressed out or provoked
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two) 
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes
- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment e.g, heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats
- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg-span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live-food (NOT for Slings/Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended)

- Simple mist the wall of the T Terrarium everyday and feed once or twice a week.
- The Goliath Bird Eater is notorious for its moulting problems. A significant number of T. blondi will die as juveniles through getting stuck in a moult or simply damaging themselves while moulting. This is one reason why the humidity should be maintained at a high level, as humidity softens the moulted exoskeleton allowing it to be removed.
- Require VERY high humidity!!

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki pets,Tarantupedia

Theraphosa Stirmi - Burgundy Goliath Birdeater Tarantula

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Common Name: Burgundy Goliath Bird-eater Tarantula
Scientific Name: Theraphosa Stirmi (Rudloff J.-P. and D. Weinmann,2010)
Synonyms: Theraphosa spec. "Burgundy" , Theraphosa spinipes

If Goliath Bird-eaters Tarantula are one of the largest spider in the world with leg spans of 30 cm. and weights of 145 or 170 grams possible. This Guyanese race of Goliath has recently been described as a third species of Theraphosa stirmi aka Burgundy Goliath Bird-eater Tarantula.

It's adult colouration, temperament and comparative ease of breeding set it apart from other Goliath  but the two distinctive traits are a lack of "mating hooks" in ultimate males coupled with the presence of "pink-feet" in early moult (Spiderlings & juveniles).

Picture: Adult Picture of Theraphosa Stirmi

Like the common Goliath Bird-eater (Theraphosa blondi), ultimate mature males lack tibial apophyses, or mating spurs. However, like the Goliath Pink-foot Tarantula (Theraphosa apophysis), it has pink "feet" (tarsi) as a spider-ling and juvenile, which is not the case in Theraphosa blondi.

Adult specimens are huge, heavy-bodied and have a post-moult colour of rich burgundy-brown with distinctive reddish setae on legs and abdomen post-moult. They also seem to have a more ferocious temperament than other Goliath.

General Information
Regions Found: Native to the Swampy areas of Northern Guyana
Type: New World Terrestrial
Lastingness: Fast Growth rate, mature in 2-3 years, Males +/-3 to 5 years while females might be able to live over the 25 year mark
Adult Size: 25 to 28cm (+-12 Inches)
Temperament: Defensive and Skittish.Will stridulate aswell if provoked, and they possess very bad urticating bristles
Urticating Hairs: Yes
Venom Potency: About as bad as a wasp sting,but will be able to cause mechanical damage due to the very large fang
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing. A good retreat is required
Temperature: 24-29°C (76-84°F)
Humidity: 70%-80%
Special Requirements: Humidity needs to be increased near a moult to prevent problems
Experiences Needed: Advance (For Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Extreme Difficult
Egg Sac Size: Around 50 to 200 large eggs
Danger to Male: Probable/High sexual cannibalism, females will also cannibalize on eggsac if stressed out or provoked
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two) 
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insect

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes
- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc. for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment e.g, heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats
- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg-span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live-food (NOT for Slings/Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended)

- Simple mist the wall of the T Terrarium everyday and feed once or twice a week.
- Adult specimens are huge, heavy-bodied and have a post-moult colour of rich burgundy-brown with distinctive reddish setae on legs and abdomen post-moult. They also seem to have a more ferocious temperament than other Goliath.

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki pets,Tarantupedia

Psalmopoeus Irminia - Venezuelan Suntiger Tarantula

Monday, December 03, 2012

Common Name: Venezuelan Sun Tiger Tarantula
Scientific Name: Psalmopoeus Irminia (Saager, 1994)
Synonyms: NIL

Psalmopoeus Irminia is most commonly known as the Venezuelan Sun Tiger Tarantula or simply the Sun Tiger. They are primarily distributed throughout eastern Venezuela, but are also found in Brazil and northern Guyana. They inhabit humid, dense vegetation usually a few feet above ground level but have been known to accommodate heights much nearer the rainforest canopy.

Many knowledgeable keeper's claim that the Sun Tiger is a particularly robust species and therefore resilient to the mistakes often made by those with less experience. Although it is not necessarily recommended for beginner's in the hobby as the Sun Tiger is acknowledged to be a somewhat unpredictable and sometimes aggressive species.

Picture: Adult Photo of Psalmopoeus Irminia

The Venezuelan Sun-tiger Tarantula (Psalmopoeus Irminia) is a striking tarantula species from Venezuela and hence considered a New World species. It has hairy legs which are typically dark in colour (pro-nominally black) with a black carapace. Males are generally a slightly lighter, more faded colour than females. The female has a striking colouration with bright orange chevrons on their long legs and a tiger stripe design on its abdomen. It is a large species, regularly reaching lengths of up to 6 inches. It has a medium growth rate and is an arboreal (tree dwelling) species.

It has an aggressive temperament and is quite skittish and unpredictable with considerable speed when it rushes. It is unable to keep up these high speeds for long. It is not recommended to handle this species because of its disposition and also due to the strong venom which can come in the form of multiple bites. The venom of the P. irminia is quite potent and can have a lot of negative effects such as full body aches, fever, and even light-headedness  However, it is important to note that like all other tarantula species, the venom cannot kill you. If given a choice, it would rather flee. This species is not recommended for inexperienced owners.

It thrives with temperatures of 80/85°F with 75/80% humidity levels. Being an arboreal species, it requires a tall enclosure. Height is more important than floor space, and often times the spider will make use of something to allow it to climb, such as cork bark. It will only require about 2 inches of substrate. It has a tendency to web up the enclosure.

General Information
Regions Found: Native to Venezuela
Type: New World Arboreal
Lastingness: Fast Growth rate, mature in 2-3 years
Adult Size: 4.5 to 5.5 inches
Temperament: Defensive and skittish
Urticating Hairs: Yes
Venom Potency: Unknown
Tarantula Housing: Height is much more important than floor space, a substrate should be provided with a variety of plants and branches. Ensure branches are in a stable position and will not fall if the tarantula climbs onto it
Temperature: 23-29°C (73.4-84.2°F)
Humidity: High 78 to 82%
Special Requirements: No special requirements
Experiences Needed: Moderate (For Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Unknown
Egg Sac Size: UnknownDanger to Male: Possible sexual cannibalism
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two) 
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes
- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc. for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment e.g. heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats
- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg-span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live-food (NOT for Slings/Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended)

- The Sun Tiger is a new world, arboreal species that usually grows to approximately 14 cm (5.5 inches). Their most prominent feature is the bright pattern of orange on the metatarsi and tarsi of their eight legs. The carapace and pubescence surrounding it appear green under certain lights, especially after a moult  The dorsal side of the abdomen also has a distinctive orange and black pattern. Although they share similar habitats with the Avicularia genus of tarantula's, they can be identified by their forelegs, which are substantially longer than those at the rear.

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki pets

Avicularia Avicularia - Pinktoe Tarantula

Monday, December 03, 2012

Common Name: Pink-toe Tarantula, Guyana Pink-toe Tarantula, Common Pink-toe Tarantula, South American Pink-toe Tarantula
Scientific Name: Avicularia Avicularia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Synonyms: Aranea Avicularia, Aranea Vestiaria, Mygale Avicularia, Mygale Testacea, Mygale Scoparia, Mygale Hirsutissima, Avicularia Vestiaria, Avicularia Vulpina, Avicularia Vestaria

The Pink-toe Tarantula, Avicularia avicularia, is a species of tarantula native to South America, ranging form Costa Rica to Brazil, and the southern Caribbean. This species is also known as the Guyana pink-toe  the Common pink-toe or the South American pink-toe  This is a very docile species of tarantula. Just like the rest of the Avic's they are an arboreal species meaning they live and hunt high up in trees and other plants. Because of this they require a tall enclosure and a good deal of flora to climb on. Avic avic's produce an amazing tube web.

Picture: Adult Photo of Avicularia Avicularia

The mature pink-toe tarantula has a dark-coloured body and pinkish feet, in keeping with its name. Juvenile specimens, however, have pinkish bodies and dark-coloured feet. Pink-toe tarantulas undergo a reversal in their colouration as they approach adulthood at 4-5 years. They are sit-and-wait predators, with limited activity.

General Information
Regions Found: Tropical areas of Brazil, Trinidad, Guyana, French Guyana, Surinam, Venezuela, and throughout the Amazon Basin
Type: New World Arboreal
Lastingness: Medium to fast growth
Adult Size: 11-13 cm (4.5-5 Inches)
Temperament: Active, Calm and docile. Will run fast if startled
Urticating Hairs: Yes, will shoot excrement too if startled
Venom Potency: Weak
Tarantula Housing: Height is much more important than floor space, a substrate should be provided with a variety of plants and branches. Ensure branches are in a stable position and will not fall if the tarantula climbs onto it
Temperature: 24-30°C (75.2-86°F)
Humidity: Near to 80%
Special Requirements: No special requirements
Experiences Needed: Moderate (For Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Moderate
Egg Sac Size: Unknown
Danger to Male: Probably Sexual Cannibalism
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two) 
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects.

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc. for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment e.g. heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats
- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity. (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg-span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live food (NOT for Slings/Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended)

- Simple mist the wall of the T Terrarium everyday and feed once or twice a week
- These types of tarantulas are very docile, albeit nervous and jumpy, and are frequently kept as pets. Being arboreal species, they require a relatively tall habitat with plenty of climbing space. They require a lot of moisture, along with ample ventilation to prevent moulds from developing.Although this species is often rumoured to be communal, housing them in groups will almost inevitably lead to cannibalism over time. 

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki pets

Aphonopelma Bicoloratum - Mexican Blood-leg Tarantula

Monday, December 03, 2012

Common Name: Mexican Blood-leg Tarantula
Scientific Name: Aphonopelma Bicoloratum (Struchen, Brändle & Schmidt, 1996)
Synonyms: NIL

The Mexican Blood-leg Tarantula (Aphonopelma bicoloratum) is a brightly coloured and very attractive species from the scrub-land and desert areas of pacific Southern Mexico. It is one of the top options available for a beginner tarantula due to it's attractiveness and calm and docile temperament. Mexican Blood-legs have incredible red and black legs, and are an extremely long lived species partially due to their slow growth. These brightly coloured legs will turn completely black when male specimens reach adulthood.

Picture: Adult Photo of Aphonopelma Bicoloratum

General Information
Regions Found: Pacific side of southern Mexico, in scrubland and deserts
Type: New World Terrestrial
Lastingness: Very slow and long lived
Adult Size: 7-10 cm (4 Inches)
Temperament: Generally very calm and docile
Urticating Hairs: Yes but would rather run and hide
Venom Potency: Weak
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing. A good retreat is may required.
Temperature: Between 24 to 32°C
Humidity: Near to 75%
Special Requirements: No special requirements
Experiences Needed: Novice (For Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Moderate
Egg Sac Size: Unknown
Danger to Male: Probably Sexual Cannibalism
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two) 
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects.

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes
- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc. for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment e.g. heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity. (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live-food (NOT for Slings/Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended)

- Simple mist the wall of the T Terrarium everyday and feed once or twice a week.
- Mexican Blood-legs are rarely imported from Southern Mexico and breeding are not very frequent so finding one of these in the shop may be a difficult task. They are often confused with the similar looking Brachypelma boehmei so be cautious when looking to acquire one for your collection. This tarantula does not get very large, but it makes up for it's size in aesthetic qualities. A combination of appealing colour and gentle disposition makes the Mexican Blood-leg Tarantula an excellent pet. It is rare for these tarantulas to fire their urticating hairs but care should be taken not to cause anguish to a tarantula.

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki pets

Aphonopelma Seemanni - Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula

Monday, December 03, 2012

Common Name: Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula, Costa Rican Zebra BCF Tarantula, Striped-knee Tarantula (Also Depending on its color form)
Scientific Name: Aphonopelma Seemanni (F. O. P-Cambridge, 1897)
Synonyms: Eurypelma Seemanni, Rhechostica Seemanni

Aphonopelma seemanni inhabits most of western Costa Rica, as well as other parts of Central America, such as Guatemala,Honduras and Nicaragua. It is black with white stripes near the joint. Specimens from Nicaragua are tan-coloured.

Picture: Adult Photo of Aphonopelma Seemanni
Zebra tarantulas are deep-burrowing spiders. They live in open semi-arid grasslands in Costa Rica, and are found in large aggregations. The deep burrows keep the temperature below the highest daytime temperatures, and retain humidity. Zebra tarantulas can grow to about 10–13 cm including leg span  Females can live up to 20 years. Males however, tend to live a much shorter life of up to five years. Diet consists of many insects. In the wild, they will eat insects such as cockroaches. In captivity they will eat crickets.

General Information
Regions Found: Seen in tropical rainforests of Central America
Type: New World Terrestrial
Lastingness: Females will live 15-20 years and males a little as 5 years
Adult Size: 11 to 13 cm (5 inches)
Temperament: Extremely skittish but docile
Urticating Hairs: Yes but would rather run and hide
Venom Potency: Weak
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing. A good retreat is may required.
Temperature: 22-30°C (71.6-86°F)
Humidity: 75-85%
Special Requirements: No special requirements
Experiences Needed: Novice (For Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Moderate
Egg Sac Size: 1,000++ Eggs
Danger to Male: Probably Sexual Cannibalism
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two)
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects.

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc. for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment ie heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity. (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live-food (NOT for Slings/Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended)

- Simple mist the wall of the T Terrarium everyday and feed once or twice a week.
- Adult Costa Rican Zebra Tarantulas should be housed in a terrarium of between 5 to 10 gallons. This species is terrestrial so floorspace is more important than height. The habitat should be constructed so that they provide plenty of hiding places. A broken flowerpot may also be used to provide a great built-in burrow.
- They inhabit burrows, which they will excavate themselves when an ideal site is located. Sometimes they will find an abandoned hole or burrow and modify it to suit their own needs.

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki-pets

Aphonopelma Hentzi - Texas Brown Tarantula

Monday, December 03, 2012

Common Name: Texas Brown Tarantula, Oklahoma Brown Tarantula, Missouri Tarantula
Scientific Name: Aphonopelma hentzi (Jean-Étienne Girard, 1852)
Synonyms: Mygale hentzii, Eurypelma hentzii, Dugesiella hentzii

Aphonopelma hentzi, is one of the most common species of tarantula thriving in the southern-most United States today. Texas Browns can grow in excess of a four inch leg span, and weigh more than 3 ounces as adults. The body is dark brown in colour  Shades may vary between individual tarantulas and is more distinct after-moult. Female Aphonopelma hentzi, can lay up to 1,000 eggs. The eggs are positioned securely in a web, which remains in the tarantula burrow, and guarded by the female. Eggs hatch in 45 to 60 days. Once Spiderlings leave the egg sac, it's not unusual to stay with the females for up to a week or possibly longer before dispersing to make their own burrows.Females have been known to live up to 30 years. But considering no studies have lasted so long, the lifespan is presumed to be longer. Males rarely live over three months after they have matured.

Picture: Adult Photo of Aphonopelma Hentzi

Aphonopelma hentzi, lives in North America throughout Arkansas Texas, Oklahoma, southern Kansas and Missouri, and north-western Louisiana and other adjoining areas in the U.S. and North-east Mexico.The spider can also be found in Colorado, and has been observed as far north as Denver. They are commonly found in grasslands, burrowed under ground; or using logs, stones, or other small animal's abandoned dens as their home and feeding grounds. Texas Brown tarantulas will use their spinnerets to line the entrance of their shelter with webbing so as to detect passing prey. Tarantula are often restricted to the ground but can climb.

General Information
Regions Found: North America throughout Arkansas Texas, Oklahoma, southern Kansas and Missouri  and North-western Louisiana and other adjoining areas in the U.S. and North-east Mexico, Colorado, Denver.
Type: New World Terrestrial, Opportunist Burrower.
Lastingness: Slow growing taking up to 5 years to mature
Adult Size: 15 cm (6 inches)
Temperament: Very calm and docile
Urticating Hairs: Yes
Venom Potency: Weak
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing. A good retreat is may required.
Temperature: 68-86°F
Humidity: About 65%
Special Requirements: No special requirements
Experiences Needed: Novice (For Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Moderate
Egg Sac Size: 1,000++ Eggs
Danger to Male: Tarantula females will sometimes cannibalise the males
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two)
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects.

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc. for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment e.g. heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity. (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg-span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live-food (NOT for Slings/Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended) 

- Simple mist the wall of the T Terrarium everyday and feed once or twice a week.
- Texas Brown tarantulas are very common as pets because of their docility. Like many other popular pet tarantula species (see: Mexican Red-knee tarantula), Texas Brown tarantula are easy to handle, very low maintenance, and inexpensive to care for. 

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki pets

Brachypelma Auratum - Mexican Flame Knee

Monday, December 03, 2012

Common Name: Mexican Flame Knee
Scientific Name: Brachypelma Auratum (Schmidt, 1992)
Synonyms: NIL

The Mexican Flame knee (Brachypelma auratum) is a tarantula endemic to the regions of Guerrero and Michoacán in Mexico. It is similar in appearance to the Brachypelma smithi, albeit slightly darker in colour and due to the similarities it wasn't considered a distinct species until 1992.

Picture: Adult photo of Brachypelma Auratum

It can take up to 5 years for this species to mature and show the beautiful coloration they are known to have.Most People admit compared to B. vagans and L. parahybana (which both still molt almost monthly at sub-adult size), B. auratum molts roughly every third month. This species is reputed to be very relaxed when older than sub-adult stage. Docile but quite skittish. 

General Information
Regions Found: Regions of Guerrero and Michoacán in Mexico
Type: New World Terrestrial
Lastingness: Slow growing taking up to 5 years to mature
Adult Size: 15 cm (6 inches)
Temperament: Very calm and docile, can be skittish
Urticating Hairs: Yes, less prone to use compared to similar species
Venom Potency: Weak
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing. A good retreat is may required.
Temperature: 24-28°C (75-82.5°F)
Humidity: About 65-70 %
Special Requirements: No special requirements
Experiences Needed: Novice (For Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Moderate
Egg Sac Size: Unknown
Danger to Male: Tarantula females will sometimes cannibalise the males
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two)
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects.

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc. for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment e.g. heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity. (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live food (NOT for Slings/Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended) 

- Simple mist the wall of the T Terrarium everyday and feed once or twice a week.
- This Tarantula is listed in the Protected Species by CITES, you may need to get license to own one of these beauty..=)

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki-pets

Lasiodora Striatipes - Bahia Grey Bird Eating Tarantula

Monday, December 03, 2012

Common Name: Bahia Grey Tarantula, Bahia Grey Bird Eating Tarantula
Scientific Name: Lasiodora striatipes (Ausserer, 1871)
Synonyms: Eurypelma Striatipe

Lasiodora Striatipes or Bahia Grey Bird Eating Tarantula is one of the close rival in size to Lasiodora Parahybana, quite massive body and eat like a horse. The Stunning Grey Color give its own identity where as it is plain grey with a bit black on its leg and bit red colour on their abdomen. As a sling, travel fast and start to decrease in speed as it grows. People usually kept them because of their massive size which is recorded up to 10 inches.

Picture: Adult photo of Lasiodora Striatipes

General Information
Regions Found: Brazil
Type: New World Terrestrial
Lastingness: Mature in 2 Years
Adult Size: 10 Inches ++
Temperament: Defensive ,but become docile as grow.
Urticating Hairs: Yes
Venom Potency: Moderate
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing.A good retreat is may required.
Temperature: 22-27 °C 
Humidity: 70%
Special Requirements: No Special Requirement
Experiences Needed: Moderate (For Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Easy
Egg Sac Size: Unknown
Danger to Male: Potential sexual cannibalism
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two)
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects.

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes
- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment ie heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats
- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity. (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live food (NOT for Slings (Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended)

- Simple mist the T everyday and feed once or twice a week.
- Considered as a Top 10 BEGINNERS Tarantula Due to Docile and Calm Temperament
- Even though these specimen may be docile and calm. It is suggested to do a bit research as it may benefit both you and your future T. =)
- Massive T as expected from Lasiodora spp.

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki-pets

Brachypelma Albopilosum - Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula

Monday, December 03, 2012

Common Name: Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula
Scientific Name: Brachypelma Albopilosum (Valerio, 1980)
Synonyms: Brachypelma Albopilosa

Brachypelma Albopilosum is a species of tarantula known commonly as the Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula or simply Curly Hair tarantula. Its native range includes Central America, from Honduras to Costa Rica . They are terrestrial and opportunistic burrowing spiders. This tarantula is covered in long hairs that have a characteristic curl to them giving them a unique look.The Curly-hair tarantula is a plump-bodied spider, covered with dark brown to black hair. It has a golden-bronze sheen due to longer gold hairs that cover the whole body, which are particularly dense on the hind legs. Males are often a lighter bronze colour than females.

Picture: Adult Photo of Brachypelma Albopilosum

The range of the Curly hair tarantula stretches along the Atlantic side of Honduras, Nicaragua and north-eastern Costa Rica. A burrowing species, the curly hair tarantula is found in tropical scrub-land  either around the base of large trees, near rivers, or in patches of cleared rain forest.

General Information
Regions Found: Central America
Type: New World Terrestrial Burrower
Lastingness: Females 3-10 years, Males 2-5 years
Adult Size: Grows to about 12-14cm 
Temperament: Very calm and docile, can be skittish
Urticating Hairs: Yes, less prone to use compared to similar species
Venom Potency: Weak
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing. A good retreat is may required.
Temperature: 24-28°C (75-82.5°F)
Humidity: About 70-85%
Special Requirements: No special requirements
Experiences Needed: Novice (For Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Moderate
Egg Sac Size: Unknown
Danger to Male: Tarantula females will sometimes cannibalise the males
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two)
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects.

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc. for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment ie heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity. (All tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish. Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live-food (NOT for Slings/Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended) 

- Simple mist the wall of the T Terrarium everyday and feed once or twice a week.
- This Tarantula is listed in the Protected Species by CITES, you may need to get license to own one of these beauty..=)

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki pets

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