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Brachypelma Albiceps - Mexican Golden Red Rump Tarantula

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Common Name: Mexican Golden Red Rump Tarantula
Scientific Name: Brachypelma albiceps (Pocock, 1903)
Synonyms: Brachypelma ruhnaui, Eurypelma pallidum, Aphonopelma albiceps,
Brachypelmides ruhnaui 

The Mexican golden red rump tarantula (Brachypelma albiceps), is a multi colored arachnid, belonging to the Brachypelma genus. Carapace of the spider has a light golden color, while Its abdomen is black and covered with red hairs (as in Brachypelma vagans). The legs are also black. This species is highly sought after by many terrarium enthusiasts. Females live for about 15 years, males significantly less - up to 12 months after the last moult.

Picture: Adult Picture of Brachypelma Albiceps - Mexican Golden Red Rump Tarantula

Brachypelma albiceps (formerly Brachypelma ruhnaui) is endemic to the highlands of central Mexico, especially in and near Morelos. In the wild they build long underground burrows, or inhabit nests abandoned by rodents or other animals. They are most active at night and dusk.A tarantula diet typically includes crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, moths, meal worms  cockroaches and pinky mice.  In captivity, live food is typically required, as dead food may be ignored.

General Information
Regions Found: Central Mexico
Type: New World Terrestrial (Floor Space is more important then height)
Lastingness: Will mature in 3-10 years
Adult Size: Grows to about 11-13 cm (6-7 Inches)
Temperament: Very calm and docile
Urticating Hairs: Yes, less prone to use compared to similar species
Venom Potency: Weak
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should
be provided for burrowing.A good retreat is may required.
Temperature: 22-26°C
Humidity: About 60-70%
Special Requirements: No special requirements
Experiences Needed: Novice (For Novice->Moderate->Advance->Expert)
Breeding Difficulty: Moderate
Egg Sac Size: Up to 900 eggs, but usually there are about 500
Danger to Male: Tarantula females will sometimes cannibalise the males
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Mealworms. (Mealworms must have to cut into two)
Larger specimens: Crickets, Mealworms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects.

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes
- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc. for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment ie. heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats
- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity. (All
tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish.
Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live food (NOT for Slings (Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal 
worm is recommended)

- Simple mist the wall of the T Terrarium everyday and feed once or twice a week.
- This Tarantula is listed in the Protected Species by CITES, you may need to get license to own one of these beauty..=)

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki-pets

Grammostola Rosea - Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Common Name: Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula, Chilean flame tarantula, Chilean fire tarantula or the Chilean red-haired tarantula or the Chilean rose hair tarantula (depending on the colormorph)
Scientific Name: Grammostola Rosea (Walckenaer, 1837)

The Chilean Rose Tarantula is the most commonly kept, bred and imported species in the hobby today. The Chilean Rose is typically docile, require little maintenance, and are inexpensive, all contributing to making them popular pets. They are found throughout the desert and scrub-land regions of Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina.

Picture: Adult Specimen of Grammostola Rosea - Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula

General Information
Regions Found: Northern Chile, Bolivia and Argentina
Type: Terrestrial (Floor Space is more important then height)
Lastingness: Mature in 3-10 years
Adult Size: 11-13 cm
Temperament: Docile, skittish and can be aggressive if provoked
Urticating Hairs: Yes
Venom Potency: Weak 

Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing.A good retreat is may required.
Temperature: 22-30°C (71.6-86°F)
Humidity: About 50-65%
Special Requirements: This species require a drier habitat than other species
Experiences Needed: Beginner (For Beginner->Moderate->Advance->Expert) 
Breeding Difficulty: Moderate
Egg Sac Size: Up to 350 Eggs
Danger to Male: Sexual cannibalism is particularly notable with this species
Diet: Slings: Pinhead Crickets or Meal worms. (Meal worms must have to cut into two)
Larger specimens: Crickets, Meal worms, Pinky, Roaches, or Other Large Insects.

Recommended Pet Supplies
- An appropriately sized Terrarium/Vivarium/Aquarium depending on sizes
- Substrate (3 to 4 inches thick of peat moss/coco peat/potting soil etc. for larger specimen)
- Heating equipment ie. heat lamps, heat mats and thermostats
- Large shallow water dish as it maybe drinks from it and it help to control the humidity. (All
tarantulas that have at least a 3 inches leg span may drink from a shallow, wide water dish.
Pebbles may be put for safety)
- Decorations and hiding places (e.g. drift wood, stone or ornamental features)
- Live food (NOT for Slings (Spiderlings) as it may injured your T, Half Dead or Cut Meal worm is recommended)

- Simple mist the T everyday and feed once or twice a week.
- Considered as a Top 10 BEGINNERS Tarantula Due to Docile and Calm Temperament
- Even though these specimen may be docile and calm, please do a bit research as it may benefit both you and your future T. =)

Source: Internet, Wikipedia, Wiki-pets

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